Today I faced the massive task of cleaning and sorting my pantry. With way to many half used packets of thing I forgot that I even had, it was high time that I organised my pantry in a way that I could easily see what was avaliable, and what was running low. It was also the perfect time to ditch those ingredients that had been a sitting for just that bit too long. The task actually turned out to be incredibly fun and I found so many interesting ingredients that will liven up my cooking, now that they are on display every day, but what surprised me the most, was just how many of my ingredients were actually organic. And that got me thinking about the state of organics in NZ. Many people lament that the selection is to small and that the price is way to high, but as far as I can see, these are all just excuses! While we many not have the huge Wild Oats and Wholefoods organic stores of the UK & the US, we actually do have an amazing range of organics avaliable to us. In certain productr ranges, the ammount on offer in organics is often far larger than what you could ever find in a chain supermarket! And as for the price, as of late I have found so many organic products that have prices the same, or often lower, than those items produced in a non-organic way. So for now, i'm sick of hearing people complain that organic is only for the rich! Its not!

My new, amazinly organized, mostly organic pantry!
A few notes:
I based my cupboard reorganize on an article in the July issue of HFG which can be found
My Organic shop of choice is
Commonsense Organics, which have a number of stores around Wellington, NZ.
The containers I used to sort (other than the few
Tupperware pieces) are just the plastic containers your are often given at Chinese and Indian takeaway places. I purchased these in bulk (50 containers for around $8.00) at
Moore Wilsons. Alternatively, Gladware, would do well.
So if your cupboard is in dire need of an overhaul, set 1 day aside and you'll find its actually quite fun!
Tamara xx