When I was a wee little baby, apparently I used to adore the Piggy game. You know, the one where the adult sings the song.....
This little piggy went to market,
This little piggy stayed home,
This little piggy had Roast Beef,
This little piggy had none,
And this little piggy went wee wee wee wee all the way home.
.....whilst grabbing a toe for each line of the song and eventually tickling you *all the way home*
Well last night, I made out like a little piggy and had Roast Beef for dinner.

Accompanied with roast vege (pumpkin, kumara, carrot, yam & onion), lashings of gravy and of course, a side of Yorkshire Puds, absolutely vital when chowing on Roast Beef.
In fact, we are so nuts about Yorkshire Puds in this house that once we had them with Cherios and Peas for dinner. And last night Shaun even said to me, "you know what? I would have been happy with just a pile of Yorkies and some roasted vege for dinner."
Obsessed? Yes!
Tamara xxx